About Us

Corpus Christi, TX (6)

Hi there! I’m Christy Pooschke, and this is my husband Chad!

Our journey to living a “Completely Nourished” lifestyle began in May of 2007 when we made the startling discovery that food additives were destroying our health.

Much to our amazement, within just a few short months of eliminating food additives like MSG and Aspartame from our diet, all of my chronic health problems completely resolved! (Please read my entire return-to-health journey here.) Naturally, this sparked in us a passion for spreading the word to others about the importance of caring about what goes into our bodies!


One source of “hidden MSG” at the grocery store…look OUT!!!!!

Chad and I are not certified nutritionists or medical professionals. It doesn’t take a degree to know that we would all be better off eating REAL food and living more natural lifestyles! Over the years, we have spent countless hours researching food additives and their effects on health. It never ceases to amaze us just how many medical conditions and symptoms can be relieved or eliminated by adopting natural lifestyle changes. We’ve also spent much of our free time experimenting in our own kitchen to learn how to prepare delicious, additive-free foods from scratch! We’ve come a long way, but we definitely are not trained chefs (in fact, we’ve never even taken a cooking class); so you can rest assured that our recipes are simple enough for all of you non-cooks out there!

Chad whippin' up some pancakes from

Chad whippin’ up some pancakes from “scratch”

As we started making more conscious decisions about the food we were putting into our bodies, we also became increasingly focused on nourishing ourselves in other ways, as well. We created “Completely Nourished” to share with everyone what we have learned about the importance of maintaining sanity and “balance” while pursuing a more natural lifestyle. It’s easy to become obsessive about dietary changes, so we’re here to help you keep everything in perspective. While it is important to nourish our bodies with healthy food, we also understand that to live a “Completely Nourished” lifestyle, there are many other aspects of life to consider, as well! Sometimes things like the fellowship that surround a meal are much more important to our overall health than the nutrients in the food that is served.


Following our dreams is VERY important to us! In 2013, we sold our property and most of our belongings…and now we travel the U.S. full-time in our camper van…and LOVE it!

When we were just starting out on this natural health journey, we were focused primarily on the health effects of the foods we were eating. Now, we view our health from a more holistic approach. We’ve found ourselves spending more time outdoors connecting with nature, becoming more interested in reading books than watching television, focusing more on family and friends than careers, realizing the importance of living our lives on “purpose” (i.e., pursuing our passions instead of dollar signs), prioritizing following our dreams (which for us right now is traveling the country full-time in our camper van!!), reminding ourselves to breathe deeply, and always trying our best to choose happiness!

Here we share with you our journey with food and with life because we are passionate about helping you to eat a more natural diet, to feel good about what you’re putting into your body, and to maintain a balance in life that makes you feel happy and fulfilled! We remember how overwhelmed we felt when we decided to embrace this journey, so we work tirelessly to bring you the information, products and services that we wish had been available to us back when we were getting started.

Be sure to subscribe to our blog (over in the left-hand column of this site), so you don’t miss any of our upcoming tips and information!

We wish you the best on this journey toward a “Completely Nourished” lifestyle, and we hope you are comforted in knowing that we will be right here to support you along the way!


Christy & Chad Pooschke